Friday, April 23, 2010

They made paper out of what?!

Today was another fun-filled day. We started by going to the Moose farm. We were able to pet and interact with the moose. The man who owns the moose farm was very funny and had us in constant laughter. He is quite the business man and even has made paper from moose droppings. I have my very own $50 bill made of moose poo. Those are little guys made out of moose hair. We had a lot of fun and even learned the international symbol for "moose" (picture on the far right). This visit helped me feel right at home because now my coat if filled with moose hair instead the dog hair that was beginning to disappear.

You can check out the moose farm website:
They have a moose cam where you can see them feed the moose. It is a live camera so check it out as often as you want to watch the moose.
We had another rotary lunch and presentation today. During the lunch presentations, we exchange the banners from the rotary club that sponsored us. Then we give a presentation showing the rotary about our lives, our jobs, and different facts about Wisconsin. I'm getting better at speaking without getting nervous!

Then in the afternoon we went to Jamtli History land to learn about how people in this region lived back in history. This was an open air museum (like Old World Wisconsin) with old buildings. Then there was an indoor portion that had a number of different exhibits. Swedish history reminds us how young of a country the USA really is. Their history goes back much farther.

They had a group of people, Sami people, (and there are still some today) that raised reindeer. They remind me of the Native Americans because they use all the parts of the reindeer. They made bags out of the reindeer stomach, buttons from the antlers, etc.
The indoor museum had a very fun slide that took you from the top floor to the bottom floor. It was supposed to be like sliding down into the belly of sea monster. It was fun to bring out the kid in me.
In the evening, Heather and I went back to our host families house for dinner and relaxing. We did a little yoga...well more Heather. I gave up early, but this picture shows their living room and also a photo of the family (Eric, Ellinor (14 yrs), and Elvina (16yrs). Tomorrow is a day of relaxing before we head for the train station on Sunday to move to our next region.