Tuesday, April 20, 2010

4/20/2010- First Full Day in Ostersund

Today was a long day since we still had jet lag. We started our day at 9am with a tour of Froson Island. It was a beautiful view as you can see. This area of Sweden was also formed from glaciers ..just like what we learned about Wisconsin.

We visited some churches that were made in the 1600's ...hundreds of years before Wisconsin was even a state.

At 9:30am we had our first "fika" (fee-ka). It is a coffee break that everyone in Sweden has. People at work and everywhere stop to have a half an hour coffee break. Their coffee is much stronger here and along with it was a wonderful selection of goodies. You will be very proud of me 4th graders because I turned it down and look how good it was!

In the afternoon we visited a University and a travel agency that specialized in golf trips to places like Turykey and Portugal(in Europe). The universities here are different because you don't have to pay for them. The payment comes out of the taxes people pay to the government.
We had another Fika break at 2:30...a person could get used to all these coffee breaks. After we finished I went home to my host family where we had dinner of smoked fish with cloud berries, smoked moose, salad, and one yummy chocolate. All the food was fresh from this area. We don't have cloud berries but they were made into a sauce similiar to a sweet tarter sauce for the fish. They are also used by themselves on top of waffles and ice cream. Fish is also very popular. I had fish for lunch as well and herring is popular as an appetizer. Reindeer meat is also popular and I had a stew with reindeer meat last night. Poor Rudolph tasted so good!!

Tomorrow we are off to hike one of the nearby mountains so I must called it goodnight!

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