Thursday, April 22, 2010

The First Day in School!

Today was our first day in our career place. But first we started the morning at the University again. We went to the sports research center. We learned about how they do research to improve sports and also how they make parts to help with rehabilitating athletes. For example, they looked at how much pressure a ski put on the ground and how they could use that to improve skis and boots. After we were there, we had lunch with another rotary club and then it was off to the first school experience.
We were able to see the end of the school day. I first noticed that there are many similarities with children all over. The two I noticed most was that 1.) Everywhere students have to have their teachers tell them... "why, because I'm the boss." 2.) When you give a child something, they will always ask, "can I have two?".
The music class was a lot of fun. We got to participate in some songs because they sang in Swedish and English. Then they had a music appreciation section. Each student had homework to bring in two pieces of music that their parents listened to. This was so that they could learn about all different kinds of music. What a treat for me that the choice for that day was Micheal Jackson-Smooth Criminal.
Afterward, we watched the kids in after school activities. The students were very eager to talk to us and practice their English. They start learning English in 2nd grade and begin to learn at least 1 hour a week in English in 3rd grade. I was talking to 2nd grade students this afternoon though, so they had limited speaking. I got three questions: 1. Do you have a parrot? 2? Do you have a boyfriend? 3. Do you speak any Swedish? But they do know the universal affection and I received many hugs. I showed them all pictures of my classroom back home and gave them erasers in the shape of cheese so that they could remember Wisconsin.
The end of the day was spent shopping and then we switched to our new host families. My teammate, Heather, and I are now 30 minutes outside of Ostersund. More adventures tomorrow!

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